Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Open Enrollment -- Two Articles

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Two articles discussing new laws affecting benefits elections. The first focuses on 2012, while the second is a two year plan.

My Open Enrollment Action Plan
Like many other employees, my husband's benefit elections enter the annual open enrollment period in November. Here are some changes I am making to 401(k) contributions, medical, dental and vision insurance, FSA withholding, and commuter expenses for 2012 because of new laws and a new family member.

Maximizing My FSA Benefit and Lowering Taxes
President Obama's health care reform has made two significant changes to FSA. Since 2011, OTC medications require a doctor's prescription for reimbursement. In addition, for 2013, the maximum FSA contribution is reduced to $2,500. Health care expenses are tough to budget, more so if you are budgeting two years out. However, by front loading some of the known spending in 2012 and getting a master prescription list, I plan to partially offset the negative impact of FSA reform. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving! A Couple of Articles on Being Charitable

Americans are a generous bunch--we cumulatively donated $212 billion (73% of total giving) in 2010 to over 1.28 million charities in the United States.  As we get ready to open our hearts and our wallets this holiday season, here are a couple of articles about charitable investments, and volunteering.

My Investment Approach Toward Charitable Giving
I use a disciplined investment approach toward charitable giving. This ensures the intended recipients get the maximum bang out of my buck and I see savings on our tax return.

Working for Free Worked for Me
Volunteering my time and working for free brings me a unique sense of fulfillment. However unpaid work has also provided tangible benefits that led to higher income potential down the road.